1960 Catalogue
This is the catalog cover of the '60 model. The catalog is not a photograph, but an illustration, showing a prototype body with an air intake slit on the right side of the body, so it seems to be a very early model.
1960 Catalogue
This is the catalog cover of the '60 model. It was probably made at the same time as the one above. This is also an illustrated catalog.
1960 Catalogue
This is a small catalog cover of the '60 model. This catalog was also produced at the same time as the ones on the left, and is a catalog of prototype illustrations and photographs.
1960 Calendar Card
This is a card type calendar from 1960 May-September
This photo was probably taken at the same time as the postcard below(x).
The size is about the same as a telephone card.*
The back of the postcard is also shown.
1960 Postcard
This is a postcard distributed when the new car was announced. There is also a type on the left side of the two-page spelling, with the performance specifications written on the back.
The shooting location is the courtyard of the Mazda State Guest House in Miyajimaguchi.
The tree in the upper left of the screen has good branching, so it seems that it was often used for shooting 1/5 mockups at the time.*
1960 Postcard
It's on the right side of the two-page spelling. Because it is a prototype car, it has a petal-shaped wheel cap that is different from the one on the market. (note lack of "m" logo on hub caps)
1960 Calendar Card
This is a card type calendar for May to September 1960.
This photo was probably taken at the same time as the postcard above.
The size is about the same as a telephone card.
The back looks like this
1960 Calendar Card
This is a card type calendar from September 1960 to February 1961. Same size as the Calendar Card above.
The back of the card is also shown.